Bachelor's Degree Management assistant, languages and administration section
This programme focuses on all the aspects of the management assistant profession. Indeed, a management assistant can work in different business sectors. He/she can use his/her skills in the cultural, banking or industrial sector and in the Belgian or European public administrations.
Our courses meet therefore this variety of career possibilities.
The students can study foreign languages (3 languages), the French language, accounting, law, general culture, communication, entrepreneurship, computer science, office technology, etc.
This knowledge will be used during the final year work placement.
Each year, a Professional Day allows the students to meet professionals from the field.
Practical information
Summary of 3 years
01 1st year
During the first year, everything is organised for you to get familiar with higher education. The assessments are planned to help you organise your work easily.
Level groups are created for foreign languages and remedial classes are planned as well, in French for example.
In April, a work shadowing placement is organised. It allows you to set foot in the professional world and discover the reality of the management assistant profession.
02 2nd year
During the second year, the theoretical knowledge gained during the first year is deepened and put into practice. Teachers focus on the professional aspect of the programme.
Company visits and cultural tours are planned as well as the participation to a YEP (young companies) project. It is also the moment for you to choose the subject of your graduation project, to search for a work placement and to prepare an Erasmus semester.
You will also participate to the Open Day in order to concretely implement your organisational skills.
03 3rd year
The third year is structured in three main areas:
- the last theoretical courses from September to December.
- the work placement from February to May
- the graduation project presentation.
It is possible to follow the 1st semester courses or to carry out the work placement abroad thanks to the Erasmus programme.
Thanks to this programme you can work in:
- public administrations
- European institutions
- employment agencies
- the banking sector
- law firms
- large-scale distribution
- cultural institutions
- …
Are you interested in this training?
Contact the coordinator.