Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree in Primary school teaching
The Haute École Albert Jacquard offers a programme which complies with the institutional framework of basic school education in Belgium. During their training, the students get acquainted with the reference documents and get ready to teach different subjects to children aged from 6 to 12.
Society became heterogenous, the school community is varied and schools are welcoming students from different social or cultural backgrounds. This melting pot represents both an undisputable richness and an unavoidable challenge. Indeed, helping each child develop into a future citizen needs expertise: this is the reason why the goal of our programme is to train pluralist teachers who are creative, open to difference and to innovation, active and reflexive as well as as rejecting all dogmas thanks to a rational mindset based on free examination.
Trained that way, the students become teachers who are able to teach with passion in a profession which is constantly evolving in very different and often new situations.
Teaser of the 2 PP performance, “Défilé Haute Lecture”:
Vidéo promotionnelle de l'option
Practical information
Summary of 3 years
01 1st year
The work placement of the first year is linked to the courses and the professional activities organised by the HEAJ. It also comprises a first experience in a primary school class, in contact with the children and the professional actors. It allows the students to realise the requirements of this profession, to test their motivation and their ability to anticipate their future career.
02 2nd year
The work placement of the second year is linked to the courses and the professional activities organised by the HEAJ. It also the occasion to try managing and leading a fourth-cycle class (5th or 6th year) in a primary school. It allows the student to become aware of the methodological and interpersonal skills required by the profession.
03 3rd year
The work placement of the third year is linked to the courses and the professional activities organised by the HEAJ. Its goal is the transfer of the different methodologies with which the students worked during the programme. It allows the students to show their ability to be independent while managing and leading a class.
The holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Teaching can:
- Teach in all the basic education networks in Belgium
- Teach in all the special basic and special secondary education networks in Belgium
- Teach abroad in a Belgian or European school,
- Work in a literacy association,
- Work in a social and professional rehabilitation centre.
Are you interested in this training?
Contact the coordinator.