Master Transmedia Architecture
This Master is co-organised by the HEAJ, the IMEP and the UNamur.
“Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience.” (2006, H. Jenkins)
In this Master, you will learn to:
- Design creative and unique projects (universes, solutions, experiences, information, etc.);
- Develop those projects on multiple delivery channels (video games, social networks, webdocumentaries, blogs, augmented reality, audiovisual fictions, etc.);
- Run a production team with multiple skills (developers, computer graphics designers, marketers, designers, electronics engineers, etc.), especially thanks to different management tools for collaborative projects;
- Create immersive and participative universes where the users themselves will be able to produce content and become ambassadors of your universe;
- Enhance your digital culture (tools, concepts, technology watch, critical understanding, etc.);
- …
At the end of this programme, you will be able to develop a scalable communication using several media and which offers the audience the possibility to participate to its evolution.
Transmedia modifies the traditional rigidity of media writing. Its authors are real “architects” able to imagine a narrative universe across different formats.
Transmedia productions fit in different domains: journalism and information media, culture, art, education, citizenship, company communication, advertising and marketing, tourism, leisure, etc.
Vidéo promotionnelle de l'option
Practical information
Summary of 2 years
01 Module 1 to 3
“Essentials” course unit
The two years of the programme revolve around 7 course units, each based on one of the main sections of transmedia.
- It introduces the essential models and concepts leading to the understanding of the evolution of media contexts but also of current creation as well as participative and interpretative mechanisms of the audiences,
- It calls on the most recent studies on audiovisual media, communication, sound environment, digital arts, design and innovation along with semiology and mediality.
- It is aimed at making the students able to critically analyse the mechanisms used to create meaning thanks to different delivery channels.
“Story Architecture – Authorship” course unit
- During workshops, the students try out narrative techniques, media writing (audiovisual fictions and documentaries, comics, animation), sound environment design and gamification.
- It is aimed at making the students able to create a narrative universe, to tell a story across different media and to design the interactions with the target audience.
“Information and communication technologies” course unit
It deals with:
- new media technologies (web…),
- design,
- user-centred design.
02 Module 4 to 7
“Transmedia techniques” course unit
- It tackles the computer graphics techniques related to multimedia, digital animation and video games,
- It introduces image and sound editing concepts as well as sound design and composition concepts,
- It is aimed at making the students able to choose the appropriate engines and platforms to develop their project.
“Transmedia research and development” course unit
- It is dedicated to the avant-garde of media changes.
- Goal: Foreseeing the new creative and technological developments.
- By the end of this course unit, the students are able to monitor technological developments and to implement information cross-checking and broadcasting. They are also able to develop a proactive attitude in a changing environment.
“Strategic project management” course unit
- It tackles the financial, HR, technical, strategic and legal aspects of project development.
- It is aimed at making the students able to handle an entire project and, by extension, to create their own job.
1 and 2 “Transmedia workshops and products” course unit
- Concrete development of a transmedia project.
- The students can activate in a proactive way the skill set of the teaching team (the different speakers of the previous course units).
- In this module, the students are the authors of their learning.
Those 7 course units are repeated in the first and second year.
- Transmedia project manager
- Transmedia producer
- Audiovisual production officer
- Community Manager
- Storytelling specialist
- Creative and artistic director
- Experience Designer
- …
Are you interested in this training?
Contact the coordinator
or download the brochure.